Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Verbal Vasectomy

A New Procedure!!!

FUN and JUICY things!  We all hear them!  And, when we see others, it’s next to IMPOSSIBLE not to shoot our verbal wad.  Seed needs to be spread.  Nature can’t keep from humping and we can’t stop from whispering.  The overwhelming urge to share is natural!  But bearing the whiny, screaming, demanding, helpless drama baby fallout can be COSTLY and not worth the effort. 

Choosing where to spread your seed carefully takes TOO LONG and is often UNPREDICTABLE.  Even wrapped in the rubbery protection of a best friend, there is still a 2% chance of conceiving a drama baby.  Ugh! 

Want to avoid all the HASSLE, but don’t know how?

Introducing: VERBAL VASECTOMY.  Cut it off at the source!!  Verbal Vasectomy is GUARANTEED to help your mouth shoot off blanks! 

“I never dreamed my mouth could feel this barren!  It’s like a desert in there!  Thanks, Verbal Vasectomy!”—Perez Hilton
“Ladies, we are busy!  Am I right??  As a jewelry designer, host of my own talk show, and best-selling author, I didn’t think I had time to stop gossiping.  But, with Verbal Vasectomy’s online support group, Fellowship of the Fallow, I was able to get the help I needed 24 hours a day!  Now, when people ask me “How you dooouuuuhn?” I can actually tell them how I’M doing and keep it at that!”—Wendy Williams

Unlike trusting a friend, Verbal Vasectomy goes straight to the ROOT of the problem.  It STOPS the process BEFORE it even starts.  Its penetrating powers will help you curb the urge to spread your seed in one easy step!
            Step One: Don’t share nonpersonal privileged information. 

Wow!  Is it really that easy?

YES—Verbal Vasectomy keeps all information about others NEUTRAL and SAFE.

Does it really work?
YES—MANY people with friends use it already!

Would my religious organization approve?

YES—ABSTINENCE is an essential part of most religious organizations!

Can I use it at work?

YES—home, school, office, church, birthdays, bar mitzvahs…Verbal Vasectomy can be used in ANY situation!!

“I’ve been using it for years!”—Condoleezza Rice

ORDER NOW!!!  ORDER in the next 5 MINUTES and Verbal Vasectomy won’t tell anyone you ordered a self-help kit from an infomercial!  We’ll keep it to ourselves!  That’s the quick-acting power of Verbal Vasectomy!!

Verbal Vasectomy: Chatter Chastity for Life!!!

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