In a moment of sagacity that can only be described as James
Lipton-esque, perverted came to be known as my least favorite word last
Its sole intent is to instill
shame and embarrassment.
I would be
incited we even allow such a word in our language if shame and embarrassment
weren’t necessary experiences for growth and understanding.
However, they are tools that should be used
with the GREATEST of care as they carry the potential to cause infinite and
irreparable damage.
Thus, directing them
at natural tendencies is misguided.
Let’s examine natural tendencies for a moment:
The sun has a natural tendency to rise each morning.
If you told the sun not to rise, it would not
heed you.
The sun would still rise no
matter how loud or how long you shouted for it to stay down.
The sun still rises when you pretend it doesn‘t.
Even if you tack a board across your window,
shut your eyes, or sleep through the day, the sun maintains its presence.
The sun can rise in a pure blue sky.
The sun can rise in a cloudy sky.
The sun can rise in a stormy sky.
Even on the rainiest of days, we can still tell when the sun
is up and when it has set.
The sun cannot be stopped.
Sunlight is everywhere and touches
The sun rises the same the world over.
Sky is of this world and, therefore, susceptible
to vary.
The sun transcends this earth
and is constant.
Though differing, all
skies are natural.
All skies are born
under the sun.
And, no expert can
predict with pinpoint precision (let alone change) the weather.
The sun is the primary source of energy for the entire
All things need solar energy to
ALL things NEED solar energy to
To deny any species sunlight is
cruel, overstepping, and arguably…perverted.
Plants—another great example of natural tendencies—also understand.
There is no mistaking when a plant has been packed in the
soil of an environment for which it was not intended.
Plants will brown, droop, shrivel, and die if
their gravities are not met: direct sunlight, partial sunlight, moist climate,
These are not preferences; plants
need these environments to survive.
display natural tendencies tangibly.
are less transparent.
Orchids are preordained for moist, tropical climates.
Uprooting an orchid and transplanting it in
the desert—an environment where it was not meant to thrive—then becomes the act
that is perverted.
The orchid’s
proclivity for a moist, tropical climate is not.
Nature: World’s Greatest Teacher